For kicks, I emailed a guy on Facebook named Michal Henych. What the heck! He could be related. There are not many Henychs in the Czech Republic. He responded, but we don't know if there is a connection. In getting ready to tell him about our Henychs, I was revisiting info I had on, and lo and behold! Look what popped up! (And I had put this family in MANY times recently. It was like magic!)
Henych Family on the Ship List of the Hansa, departing Hull on 9 June 1882. |
When I tried to find the date of immigration, a search resulted in a list of the whole family plus one person I haven't seen in records in St. Paul. The new person on this list is John/Jan. He does not appear in any censuses with the family. The ship list gives their last place of residence as
The censuses for this family are confusing. In one census, though living at the same address, the parents were listed separately from the children on a different page. I was so happy to find this list as it helps clarify the family configuration. In census records, there was often James and Joseph. Then there was Vincent and James. There is a death record for Vincent. There are still a few details to be sorted out.
Emilie Henych Plaster, Barbara Forst Henych, Joe Henych, Augusta Henych Masek, Josef Henych |
According to the list, the family consists of the parents: Joseph Henych and Barbara Forst. The children are Mary (our ancestor), Jan, Vincent, Emilie, Joseph and Augusta.
Barbara and Joseph had a home at 750 Logan St. in St. Paul. Joseph died on the 21st of February 1908. Barbara Forst Henych died on the 2nd of January 1918. They are buried at Calvary.
As far as I can tell, Vincent and Joseph never married. I don't know about Jan.
In 1932, Vincent committed suicide. He jumped off the high bridge in St. Paul.
Searching for them in the records is a lot of fun. The name has been rendered as: Henyck, Henek, Hanek, Henick, Henicke, and Henig.
Jim Blaha, Emil Blaha, Vaclav Blaha, Emily Blaha, Mary Henych Blaha, Joseph Blaha, Louie Blaha |
Mary married Vaclav or James Blaha on the 16th of February 1885 at St. Stanislaus in St. Paul. They had 2 other children besides those pictured above: John Venceslaus (1886-1886) and Emanuel (1889-?). For a time records confused me since Emanuel and Emil are so close--especially as records go. There is however a baptismal record for each.
Augusta married John Masek.
Emilie Henych & Herman Plaster Wedding |
Emilie married Herman Plaster. They were married on 21 Aug 1906 at St. Stan's, St. Paul.